Having entered into the ministry 20+ years ago with a calling on his life to serve at risk and disadvantaged youth Rev. Cliff has served in a variety of areas and capacities. He began his ministry as the Christian Education Director at St John the Devin Episcopal Church immediately upon graduation from Vanguard University in Southern California, with his credentials and degree in Christian Education. After a successful three years Rev. Cliff and his wife, Kris, relocated to Temecula California where they both served for the next 17 years at a nondenominational faith-based youth residential treatment facility. Upon leaving this facility, Rev. Cliff briefly served as the Executive Director of a faith-based nonprofit with a special focus on the sanctity of life. Upon their son leaving for college they relocated to Richmond Indiana Pastor Nunn was ordained by the LCA and installed as Pastor of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, here in Richmond and Zion Lutheran Church near Cambridge City on May 5th 2024. Kris serves as a Clinical Therapist Supervisor at Centerstone Mental Health in Richmond, and recently opened a private practice utilizing a previously unused section of the education center here at St. Paul’s. Their only son, Brett is a Sergeant in the USAF. He and his wife Alyssa were recently blessed with their first child, Sterling, who adds great joy to their family.